A friend and I were walking yesterday and talking about the notion that many of the leaders who got us through Covid were Superheroes. My friend (his name is Buddy)…
Author: Phil Janson

Why Do So Many Superheroes Want to Change Jobs?
It is curious to me that so many of my clients want to leave their jobs for greener pastures. I was a young job seeker in New York in the…
Navigating Career Crossroads
Perils and Pitfalls in Navigating the Career CrossroadsBy Philip Janson, Ph.D., President, The Mahler Co., [email protected], © The Mahler Co. Research Note IntroductionDivining the characteristics of successful leaders has preoccupied…
How New CEOs Succeed at Transformation
In the hurly-burly of business competition, executives are constantly seeking clarity about which management practices lead to business success. From TQM and Six Sigma to downsizing and reengineering, their tool…
Strategies for Building Change Leaders
Driving Organizational Change Through Executive Education A White Paper Prepared by The Mahler Company The Mahler Company and Research As part of our commitment to leadership in executive education, The…
The Global Matrix: Making Them Work
Today’s leadership challenges are remarkably different from those of only a few short years ago. Today’s modern, complex organizations are leaner, flatter, spread over more time zones, and involve complex…
Guildelines for Selecting Change Leaders
Choosing the right person to lead a major change initiative may be one of the most important decisions you ever make. To do it right, you have to focus on…
Four Keys to Managing the Hard Side of Change
For two decades now, executives in charge of organizational change have heard the same message from management experts: To achieve success, focus on the soft side of change – culture,…
How a Danish Company Thrives in Japan
Despite its wealthy consumers and high standard of living, Japan is a market that many global companies find difficult to penetrate. Even when the potential for success is high, the…
Many Unhappy Returns
One Man’s Quest to Turn Around the Most Unpopular Organization in America When Charles Rossotti was asked in 1997 to become the first businessperson to head the IRS, this description…